What will you bring to this New Year?
January marks the start of a fresh chapter—a blank slate— and as Vern McLellan has said,
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.”
What will you bring? Over the years, I have found the following six action items can go a long
way in preparing for a successful and productive year ahead.
- Reset Your Goals
“Success doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by planning.” — Benjamin Franklin
What better time than a new year to refresh your memory and envision what is next? Take the
time to reflect on past achievements and challenges. Take stock of where you are and set clear,
actionable goals that will inspire and guide your team in the coming year. - Refocus on Organizational Priorities
While taking the time to reflect and refresh your goals, ensure everyone is aligned with your
organization’s priorities. By focusing time on revisiting what’s most important, you can plan on
how individual team members can contribute to these goals. - Reaffirm Mission, Vision, and Values
Organizational goals become more real when put within the overall context of the Mission,
Vision, and Values. The beginning of the year is a natural time to reaffirm them, which can
reignite passion and purpose, fostering a sense of unity and direction. - Organize and Clean Up
“For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” — Anonymous
A clean workspace and streamlined processes set the tone for a productive year. Decluttering
old files, systems, and practices can help your team focus on what truly matters. - Utilize a Perpetual Calendar
Several years ago, I implemented a perpetual calendar for my team, and it’s been a game-
changer. This tool allows us to clearly communicate operational directions, share key
milestones and deadlines, and reduce miscommunications. When your team has a visual, easy-to-follow roadmap, it’s easier for everyone to stay on track. - Review Policies and Documentation
January is a suitable time to revisit policies and ensure all documentation, such as driver’s
licenses or certifications, are up-to-date. These small administrative updates can prevent bigger
headaches later in the year.
By starting the year planning and organizing you are bringing clarity and purpose to your team and their work. In turn, your team can achieve goals more efficiently; reduce stress by eliminating confusion; and build trust through clear communication. All of which contributes to a culture of accountability, focus, and success.
Bring your best into the New Year, so this year can be the best!