Unexpected Possibilities
Have you ever been fired, laid off, or demoted? Have you ever felt the sting of losing the
support of your bosses or the respect of your peers? These moments can feel like a gut
punch, shaking your confidence and leaving you questioning your worth. Yet, as difficult
as these experiences may be, they can also open doors to wonderful opportunities and
personal growth. But in that moment, it simply hurts – making it easy to lose sight of the
big picture.
“Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.”
~Lou Holtz
My mentor, Dan Miller, who passed away in January 2024, used to offer a powerful
perspective in moments of adversity. When something unexpected happened, he would
ask, “What does this make possible?” That simple question shifts the focus from loss to
potential. It encourages us to respond to adversity with determination, curiosity, and
So many times, I have heard people say, in hindsight, “I’m glad I got fired, laid off, or
demoted.” These aren’t empty words. Often, those moments of rejection or upheaval
become turning points. If they hadn’t been forced to leave one chapter behind, they
never would have discovered the next – a better job, a new opportunity, or an entirely
different career that brought them greater fulfillment.
Let’s be honest: the journey through the “unexpected” often starts with discomfort. It’s
tough to pick yourself up after being knocked down. You might have to face the daunting
prospect of starting over. You’ll be pushed out of your comfort zone and forced to learn
new lessons. But this is where resilience is born. This is where true grit shines.
Adversity has a way of teaching us things we never would have learned otherwise. It
builds our character and strengthens our resolve. It reminds us that we are capable of
more than we imagined. And sometimes, it’s only by being forced to let go of what we
think we want that we can make room for the remarkable things coming our way.
When life throws you a curveball, remember these words from E.M. Forster: We must
be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for
us. Each setback is an opportunity to rewrite your story, to pivot, to discover the
unexpected possibilities that are yours for the taking.
Stay strong,