
THE 5 F’s of Frontline Leadership

THE 5 F’s of Frontline Leadership

Frontline leaders manage over 80% of the overall workforce. Finding yourself promoted to a frontline leadership role means you are now managing the people who deliver for the company. How you lead your team will determine, to a significant extent, the success of the organization.

When managing the frontline, it is handy to have these 5 F’s as your framework for leadership:

Fair: Be fair and don’t play favorites. Lead with clear expectations. Let each employee prove themselves capable in doing the job.

Firm: Be a firm leader, not a “wishy washy” leader who is strict and hard today and loose and lax tomorrow. Consistency in expectations and employee treatment is key to success for the team and organization alike.

Factual: Lead with the facts and stay out of the rumor mills, emotional roller coasters and drama scene.

Friendly: Smile, say hello, be empathic, but maintain the detachment necessary to respectfully observe and offer critical performance feedback.

Focused: Always keep the goals and objectives of the organization and the job at hand in clear focus. This means communicating clearly and avoiding distractions.

These 5 Fs provide the framework for making you a better and more trusted leader, which in turn increases your influence with your team and your organization.

Go lead with the 5 F’s.
