
Experiencing Explosive Growth: Are you ready?

Experiencing Explosive Growth: Are you ready?

Explosive Growth
Organizations that grow rapidly in size, money, or influence over a brief period of time are said
to be experiencing Explosive Growth. It especially refers to entrepreneurial efforts and happens
rarely enough for people to talk about it as exceptional; a wonder; a lucky break.

On a personal level, explosive growth happens not because of a lucky break, but by exercising
intention, dedication, and a desire to grow beyond self-imposed limitations. You’ve heard the
saying, “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

Personal Explosive Growth begins with recognizing that landing the perfect job is an
opportunity to test the limits; an invitation to work harder; a desire to contribute to
organizational growth; an understanding that, as a leader, your team and/or organization can
only grow as much as you do. Truthfully, if you are not pushing yourself to improve, how can
you expect them to flourish?

Sadly, not everyone wants to work that hard. What about you? Are you ready for explosive
growth? Do you have the commitment to get out of your comfort zone and test your limits? If
you do, read on.

Steps to Explosive Growth
The good news is that explosive growth starts with simple, consistent habits to complement
your already excellent work ethic and desire to grow:

Feed your mind: Read books that challenge your thinking and inspire innovative ideas.
Surround yourself with positivity: Listen to uplifting podcasts and teachings.
Choose your circle wisely: The people you spend time with shape your mindset and

Explosive Growth requires embracing change, cultivating a hunger for knowledge, and
committing personal excellence. You can set the example you want your team to follow. You
can forge the way for your organization to grow.

So, don’t stop now. Push forward and lead boldly. This is how you ignite true, lasting growth.

Continue to GROW your leadership,