
5 Ways to Grow Your Leadership Credibility

5 Ways to Grow Your Leadership Credibility

Credibility: the quality or power of inspiring belief

All humans have a hardwired survival instinct and how we determine who or what to
trust is basic survival. When we take on a leadership role, we earn credibility over time.
Actions speak louder than words; people are influenced by what you do, not just what
you say.
Here are five ways to grow your credibility with your team:

  1. Lead by example. You can’t get around this one. Model what you want more of.
  2. Be honest. Don’t make promises in front of your team you can’t, or won’t, follow
    up on. The only thing worse than making NO promises, is to make them and then
    break them. Be the honest authentic you, always. It helps build the connection
    with your team.
  3. Grow and display competency. As a leader, make it a practice to listen, learn
    and lean into whatever it is you’re doing. If you take over a new responsibility and
    you are not familiar with it, learn it. When I took on the airport operations, I
    immediately went to the state conference for airport operators and began
    learning the process. I asked lots of questions.
  4. Be consistent. Recently I experienced a leader who had a solid positive
    disposition…when things were going well…but once the pressure was on and his
    people needed him, he changed and began to lie, get angry and exaggerate. It
    was sad to see. He lost all credibility and respect and his ability to move ahead in
    the future.
  5. Be transparent. When you share and fill in the communication gaps, there is
    little need for people to fill in the missing information – usually with incorrect
    information. Get it right the first time and every time after that. You build trust as
    people understand they can believe you.
    “Credibility is a leader’s currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or she is bankrupt.”~John C. Maxwell

Keep leading with credibility.