
team Tag

Last month, I led a group through the benefits of collaboration. As a leader, you can dominate and dictate, or you can collaborate and facilitate your team’s success. Building influence isn’t about controlling outcomes; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels they have a stake in achieving goals. Collaborative teamwork benefits both the team and leadership. Here are the top five I value most: Self-AwarenessCollaboration requires actively listening and engaging with others’ perspectives. This feedback helps you...

Last week, I led our team through a session focused on the word: sacrifice. There’simmense power in taking a few moments to dive deep into a single word. I encouragedour team to share their thoughts on what sacrifice means in the context of our dailywork. We discussed various trade-offs: time, money, patience, opportunities, weekends, andhobbies. Each team member contributed valuable insights, highlighting how thesesacrifices shape our professional lives. Then, we explored the rewards of sacrifice. Many noted how...