

"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it." ~William Arthur Ward Expressing gratitude for employees is essential for fostering a positive work environment and building a strong team. Finding the time to give the gift of gratitude is a challenge, but well worth the effort. Here are a few ways we can express gratitude to our people. Recognition Programs: Establish employee recognition programs that highlight and reward outstanding performance. I have done...

Over the years of leading organizations, small businesses, and after numerous employee huddles I have discovered that one verb is critical when defining successful leadership…respect. How a leader treats other people, garnering achievements, solid character, and competency goes a long way in developing the reputation of being a leader worthy of respect. Merriam-Webster defines respect as “a relation or reference to a particular thing or situation; expressions of high or special regard or deference”. Just like trust, respect...

I knew Hayden was nervous as he stood in front of our entire department; it was his first time leading the Monday morning meeting. Outwardly he held his own, but afterwards he confessed to me that he was nervous. I assured him that being nervous is normal. As leaders we get comfortable being the most powerful person in the room; being the voice that matters. Leading our meetings is expected, but should we always be the...

Paula was tired. It was obvious to her that things at the organization were not working as well as they could be. It seemed each time she tried to upgrade procedures to get the organization more efficient and productive, the old status quo work culture deflated her initiatives. She remembers going to a conference and hearing how other organizations changed their culture, but she couldn’t recall any of the steps. Changing a status quo mindset is difficult...

"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." ~ Stephen Covey When Tony walked into the gym, I noticed he had all his tools on a tool belt. He was ready to work. When he got to the wooden door, he repaired the unscrewed hinge. In minutes the door was working properly, he went to his next job. When Henry got to his work area he looked around and kept walking....

"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread." ~Mother Teresa Giving recognition and appreciation in the workplace is a powerful tool that can have a significant impact on employees’ hearts and minds leading to higher morale, engagement, and overall organizational success. Over the years I have launched numerous recognition programs that have stood the test of time, maintaining their impact on our employees. Here are three key reasons why incorporating recognition practices in...

Delegating takes time, a precious commodity for us all. I know delegation is what I’m supposed to do, but if I do it myself, I know it’s done correctly, and I don’t have to do it again. The hardest part for me and I bet for you is to be willing to accept that mistakes may occur when delegating. But a truly effective leader knows that delegation is not just about assigning our people tasks; it’s really...

I remember as a leader being very frustrated that only about 30% of my staff were really engaged and did quality work. There was another 30% that were actively disengaged and seemed to just want a paycheck by doing the bare min to keep from getting fired. There was about 40% somewhere in the middle. It seemed I spent a lot of time with the bottom 30% having to deal with silly time-consuming issues. You may...

Just like you, I take leadership seriously. For me, leadership has meant being the person in charge, the person with the title, the one who oversees getting the work completed. We know as leaders we need teamwork to make the dream work and trusting the team members to make good decisions is an important part of that. The team’s attitude and quality of work is a reflection on their leader and so many times over the...

“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson As a leader, I can get in the way of implementing ideas I have learned from another source. Istop short of success because for some reason I let busy work get in the way. Maybe you havedone it too. We become the “bottleneck” to our own organization. Here is how to stop it.This past week I got the opportunity to be at the University...