

A leader at every level, in every industry, is given the responsibilities ofproblem solving, adapting, overcoming, managing projects and people andall while exceeding expectations. Who wouldn’t want to be a leader? The reality is that being a leader, having the title, does not mean that youhave all the answers. Being a good leader may mean you have someanswers but not all of them. Being a great leader means you recognize theneed and have the desire to improve...

All said and done, we spend a third of our life at work; more than that for some. Who we surround ourselves with, the culture and attitudes we show up for, and how we treat one another matters. From top to bottom of the organizational chart, we can all contribute to creating a workplace worthy of showing up for. It begins with gratitude which according to Forbes, is good for business not to mention our physical...

In leadership, firmness isn’t about rigidity—it’s about clarity and conviction in decision-making. Being firm means knowing when to stand by a choice or direction, even whenpressures mount. A firm leader demonstrates steadiness, helping teams feel secure intheir work and committed to a shared goal. “In a crisis, don’t hide behind anything oranybody. They’re going to find you anyway,” said Lee Iacocca, former CEO of Chrysler.Being firm means accepting responsibility, showing up fully, and setting a clear...

Last month, I led a group through the benefits of collaboration. As a leader, you can dominate and dictate, or you can collaborate and facilitate your team’s success. Building influence isn’t about controlling outcomes; it’s about creating an environment where everyone feels they have a stake in achieving goals. Collaborative teamwork benefits both the team and leadership. Here are the top five I value most: Self-AwarenessCollaboration requires actively listening and engaging with others’ perspectives. This feedback helps you...

Leadership is never a smooth ride. If you're in a position of leadership, you're likely toface moments that push you far beyond your comfort zone. Right now, if you'regrappling with tough decisions and navigating uncertain waters, remember this: stay thecourse. Your resolve, wisdom, and ability to make tough calls are exactly what’s neededin these critical moments. Consider the Apollo 13 mission, for instance. In 1970, an oxygen tank explosioncrippled the spacecraft, leaving the astronauts with limited power,...

Last week, I led our team through a session focused on the word: sacrifice. There’simmense power in taking a few moments to dive deep into a single word. I encouragedour team to share their thoughts on what sacrifice means in the context of our dailywork. We discussed various trade-offs: time, money, patience, opportunities, weekends, andhobbies. Each team member contributed valuable insights, highlighting how thesesacrifices shape our professional lives. Then, we explored the rewards of sacrifice. Many noted how...

I was taken aback when I realized that not everyone aspires to be a leader. It became clear tome that not everyone wants to direct others or take on the responsibilities that come withleading a project. I’m always on the lookout for potential leaders—individuals who are eager to learn, open tocoaching, competent, trustworthy, and capable of building strong relationships with others.Let’s be honest: perfection is rare. Perfection is not even a realistic goal. Instead, true leadersembrace the...

A couple of weeks ago, I asked my team to define the word "priorities." Their responseswere spot on: "main focus, importance, consistency, safety, and order." Then, I askedthem to share what they believe are some of our top priorities for campus grounds. Iwas pleased to hear answers like "appearance, safety, removing dead plants, treehealth, mowing, litter, and weeds." As a team responsible for maintaining the visualappeal of our campus, these answers reflected an understanding of our...

Ever wonder why some organizations seem to excel, no matter what challenges they face? What gives them that extra edge? In my experience, it’s not about luck or good fortune. It’s about having a clear vision and consistently working toward it. When you wake up every day with a purpose, your effort generates momentum. The energy you invest comes back to you even stronger. Jim Rohn said it best: “Success is nothing more than a few simple...

In my book Cultivate, I tell the story of Pete. Pete was not always a model employee. To quote Pete: “The first time I worked here three years ago, I acted like a spoiled brat. I complained, I moaned, I criticized and grumbled almost every day. I kept thinking everybody owed me something. So, I quit here and went to work across town pouring concrete, making really good money.”  The next job did not work out...