

When people sense that they matter, they instinctively become more engaged and more productive. Years ago, I attended a Disney Horticulture Conference and I remember hearing Katy Moss Warner, former Director of Disney’s Horticulture and Environmental Initiatives, say, “The standard is not what you expect, it is what you accept.” She was right. As a facility leader, I realized that our department had different standards for the same type of work from different crews. Not everyone saw the...

Have you ever said this? I have plenty of times. In the urgency of the moment, it is almost ridiculous to even think that training will happen. The cycle of construction, school starting and projects rushed to completion seem to always take priority over training. Middle-level managers and frontline leaders are some of the busiest people I know. Have you ever thought that one day you would get around to doing some training? Me, too. “We tried...

If you have ever seen the TV show The Profit starring Marcus Lemonis, you are familiar with the methods used to take struggling businesses and make them highly successful ones. He focuses on 3 parts of the business: people, processes and product. And with good reason. As humans, we are always so eager to get to the product – finished and ready to ship, view, consume or use – that the product is often flawed, incomplete or...

How important is motivation to your success? Are you a motivated person? Do you set goals, try to get better each day? Okay, now what about your team? Most leaders want and need motivated teams. If you asked your team what motivates them, I bet someone will say, “more money in my paycheck.” But do they really mean that? Most research tells us the link between what you make and how satisfied you are at your...

One of the best lessons I learned from my dad was to lead with respect. He taught me just because someone has the power and authority to boss people around, it doesn’t mean they should use it to push people, to crush them or to be rude. My dad was that way in his work and personal life. No matter what trouble I got into—even the time I accidentally set off a box of fireworks in my bedroom—he...

What is the purpose behind the work you do every day? Pretty standard responses to this question include “to provide for myself” or “to provide for my family.” Although those are important, they suggest the person saying it doesn’t know the purpose behind the work they do; they don’t suggest the people know why their work really matters. Clear, motivating vision statements challenge everyone on the team to do their best work. They tell everyone inside and...

We’ve all heard the saying, “Teamwork makes the dream work,” and in my experience, I have discovered you have to have a good team before you can accomplish the dream.   That begins by recognizing the fact that we can’t do everything by ourselves. We need others, but in our rush to finish a project or meet a deadline, we try to do so much on our own.   How important is your team to your organization’s success? A strong team begins with a leader who first is willing and confident to lead...

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”   This quote is attributed to Abraham Lincoln. Is it true for you?   Today I was speaking to a 30-year-old who is in an entry-level employee position. He said for the first time, he's considering a leadership position. I asked him why he was considering it now? His answer was not surprising, “I am getting older and I need to make more money. Becoming a leader allows me...

What is one of the number one characteristics of a winning team? Talent is obviously needed, but is that all?There are many factors that go into creating a team, but one that is foundational is that each person understands and knows the role they play in the organization's success. My 8th grade basketball coach used to tell us, “Accept your role.” Whether we were a starter or practiced to make the starters better, he said accept...

It’s one thing when your front-line team members have conflict, but it is a whole new matter when your key leaders are in conflict with each other. If your leaders are “sideways” or in disagreement with each other, you would be wise to not let it just work itself out. We spend a lot of time at work with people most of us never choose to spend time with. Conflict is costly - especially if it is...